Good Days Journey

Good Days Journey

Mental Health Services

Good Days Mental Health Services is a non-profit entity created in honor of Mr. Gary Davis Jr. Our Agency is for those individuals that are dealing with day-to-day struggles and need Outpatient Mental Health services to continue to live independently with assistance. We offer Pro bono assistance for those individuals/families in need of services and don’t have any other insurance resources. Good Days Journey also, offer service-related programs for military families and their dependents. This program is an intense therapeutic intervention designed especially for combat Veterans and their affected family members. Our Ages ranges from:

  • Children Ages 5 years to 11years
  • Adolescents Ages 12 years to 17 years
  • Adults 18 Years and Older


Mission Statement

Good Days Journey Mental Health service’s mission is to act as a change agent for those individuals and families dealing with mental health illness and/or substance abuse through high-quality research-based care, proven treatments strategies, and ongoing assessments.

Our Vision

We are committed to providing quality care/treatment which results in a better life balance for those needing mental for those needing mental health illness/substance abuse treatments.  The goal is to formulate individual treatment plans for our clients utilizing research-based strategies and resources that enhance their ability to function appropriately in society and elevate their personal self-esteem and independence.

Our Team

We are passionate and compassionate professionals, driven by our mission of helping more people live a better and happier life every day. 

Our Services

Good Days Journey Mental Health services are here to help clients identify goals and potential solutions to problems that cause emotional turmoil; seek to improve communication and coping skills; strengthen self-esteem, and promote behavior change and optimal mental health.

Our Psychiatrist and his team are devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, and treating mental disorders. These include various maladaptations related to mood, behavior, cognition, and perceptions.

Behavioral Health Response (BHR) is our partner for Crisis Intervention, and they provide access to services for individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. BHR will provide an opportunity for individuals to receive necessary behavioral health crisis services to reduce unnecessary interventions such as hospitalization or detentions.

Good Days Journey Mental Health services offers Telehealth/Telemedicine services by using These services are done through a phone call or video chat as if you were at a doctor’s office. This remote patient monitoring allows Doctors to check on you while you are in a home-type setting.


Good Days Journey Mental Health appreciates any contributions or donations for clients that we service in the Saint Louis metropolitan area.  Our goal is to try to help as many clients in the eight (8) counties that we service.  Please feel free to click the donate button if you would like to help those individuals whom suffer from mental illness or substance abuse.

Current Partnerships

Good Days Journey Mental Health services has the following Memorandum of Understandings (MOU’s) with:

  • Frances Howell School District
  • St. Louis County Courts Prosecuting Attorney’s Division
  • Mer’s Good Will Re-Entry Program
  • Warren County Courts

Please feel free to contact our office staff if you’re in need of any Mental Health or Substance Abuse services.

Our Sponsors

Service Areas

  • Franklin County
  • Jefferson County
  • Lincoln County
  • St. Charles County
  • St. Francois County
  • St. Louis City
  • St. Louis County
  • Warren County


1 Mid Rivers Mall Drive  
Suite 330
St. Peters, MO 63376


Phone: 636-387-6096
Fax: 636-387-6098

A member of the Better Business Bureau (A+ rating) and St. Charles Chamber of Commerce.  Also certified by DMH (see Below)